Why My Elder?


Photo by Diana Spatariu on Unsplash


At My Elder, we place your loved one’s needs first to ensure they receive the quality of care they deserve. Read on as we share more about our advocacy, and why we continue to be elder advocates.


Why are we doing this?

We believe that elders have the right to control their own lives. They have been writing their history for many years, and they have the right to continue adding value to their lives.


Why doesn’t this exist already?

Eldercare services are sectored into three significant silos: home health care, senior housing placement, and care management. We are the only company that is uniquely positioned to provide services that encompass all silos. We dissolve the barrier that hinders collaboration between health care and social care services to meet the growing support and care needs of our clients.


Why us?

My Elder has a combined 70 years of experience in providing valuable elder care services plus technological innovation. This combined experience positions My Elder to provide significant value to our clients. We have the skill and expertise to help our clients achieve peace of mind, knowing that their loved ones will receive excellent care.


Why now?

Never before in history has there been a greater need for valuable elder care services as now. Elders and their families are confused and perplexed about how to help their elders. 80 million baby boomers are approaching this great need. My Elder is uniquely positioned to help this population. We have the know-how and extensive experience to provide meaningful and valuable solutions. We have a proven model that is no longer in the planning phase. We can do this now.


Why do people need our services?

My Elder is the only solution provider that can completely meet our clients’ needs across the elder care services continuum.


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Why will people want our services?

Elders and their families are seeking the peace of mind that comes along with proper care. Elders want and need immediate solutions to the severe problems facing this substantial demographic. 10,000 seniors turn 65 every day of the year. Children and grandchildren want to provide their loved ones with the best care possible. They want their elders to have meaningful lives, which means having control of their lives, not experiences that are interrupted by poor services and bureaucratic roadblocks.


Why will people pay for this?

My Elder provides more value than the compensation we receive.


Why will this make people do/feel/be what they want to do/feel/be?

Elders and their families will be empowered to meaningfully and effectively help their loved ones achieve the lives that they need and want.


Why would people buy from our competitors?

Because they might not understand that our competitors can only offer a quick and temporary solution to a problem that requires long-term involvement.


Why will people cross the street to buy from us?

They are seeking more valuable long-term solutions.


Why does this idea matter?

When elders control their lives, they are empowered, and knowledgeable about the unique issues facing them. My Elder stands ready and able to make this happen. When it comes to providing a long-term solution to eldercare needs,

MyElder stands alone.

My Elder provides elder advocacy services to families. Talk to us about long-term planning, finding the right home for your loved ones, preventing crisis and abuse, and ensuring they receive the best care possible.